Learn From Shoes | Secret Of Entrepreneur | In English | And Apply In Life
What we can learn from shoes.
1. Shoes have laces, we can use it for running time by binding tightly so likewise in life there is so many factors like attitude etc.. we can use it tight or lose accordingly our life by this we can make our life better.
2. Be down to earth, we should live down to earth, it doesn't matter how much we get success. Mean weather the shoes are expensive or cheap, they do not live on the head always stay on the ground.
3. Shoes carry our heavy weight like that we can also carry our life situations, bad troubles.
( You can also read our website introduction, link is here : https://helpofall.blogspot.in/2017/11/introduction-of-helpofallblogspotcom.html )
4. We regular clean our shoes likewise we should do something for our mind like meditation introspection, and listen some good talks, speak some good talks, watch some good things.
5. Shoes has pairs, likewise we should live with together. So shoes are useful in pairs, One shoes has not any use like that if we have to do something in life we can't do alone, it should be clear. Weather we do business, job or any relationship, alone any relationship doesn't run.
Nothing run with alone, problem starts when our ' I ' become big, I am , I , Persons who is in the category of ' I ' you will see them all time sad. Who will speak ' WE ' ( mean unity ) you will not see them sad. You will see them happy.
6. When we purchase our new shoes then it takes time to adjust in foot, sometime we face many problems at the beginning like we have to face rub and bite etc. At the same place like in life any new thing when come then we should not scare of them. at the beginning we face problem trouble but if we carry them in a good way and handle them then life will be easy.
( You can also read ways to motivate yourself, link is here : https://helpofall.blogspot.in/2017/11/ways-to-motivate-yourself_26.html )
If we enter in any new situation then we say it is not good because that is outside of our comfort zone. Our problem is when we face any problem then we leave our that work. we nee to be
7. Shoes has sole if sole is waste then shoe is also waste because it helps us to live comfortable. And if any shoe doesn't have good quality sole then shoe will burst. Likewise We have ( Human ) Soul that has to be very strong, Soul mean is ' I ' , many people think spirit. No spirit is not, Soul mean ' I ' , as much as I am stronger in inside I can face all the problems that are coming in life.
Self reflection mean work on yourself, if you let the world dominate on you then you will be upset.
and if you can not make yourself strong then the world will blow you off. But if you have prepared yourself for this world then the world will not be able to uplift you.
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